Monday, 16 September 2013

Family Open Day versus weather forecast!!

The Sunday started clear, calm and sunny, but by the time we’d set up the 2 gazebos and laid out both the tents, the weather had deteriorated and the sun went on its holiday. It was promised to be a rubbish day with winds of up to 20 mph and heavy rain being promised by a gleeful weather presenter the night before. Never the less, those that turned up put on a brave face and we set off to complete the pits which were still open from the previous day. We were going to target an area hi-lighted by the DBA in the second field which hinted in crop marks of linear features not parallel to the line of the plough but due to lack of numbers, we felt it would be better to complete the test pits from Saturday. A good decision as the trees gave respite from the wind.

Throughout the morning we had a scattering of children (and parents) from the 3 local school which we had targeted with posters and an individual invite to the open day for every child.
The families who turned up had a look at the pottery reference collection for the site, followed by a tour where we explained the history of the area and the reason we were back on the site after a lapse of 8 years.

Some of the parents opened up or completed partially opened test pits within the wooded area where as others chose to do a bit of field walking or metal detecting. ALL the kids (and the parents) were really enthusiastic about what they were doing, and really excited when they picked up Roman pottery off the field.

The day deteriorated in terms of wind although we were spared the rain that had been promised.
Our brand new gazebo however didn't survive, with one of the plastic hinges breaking resulting in a rather saggy gazebo, blowing forlornly in the howling wind! So down it came and then after a rather windy lunch, we decided to pack up, before returning to continue work in the wooded area.

The afternoon passed without comment and with the last test pit recorded, measured and photographed, we packed up the last few items of equipment and headed down to the Blue Lias for a much deserved and well-earned drink.

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