Monday, 29 July 2013

The Launch

Well all those sleepless nights and all that hard work finally paid off on Sunday 28th July at 13.30 when people started to arrive. Before we knew it, the place was heaving and people were stuck in the lobby, unable to get into the hall..

But let me start at the beginning.

We arrived at 11ish, unloaded the cars and started to set-up. Tools were downed as the kettle went on for a nice brew and then before we knew it, it was 2pm and time to start the afternoon's proceedings!

I started with a welcome speech, giving some of the newcomers a bit of background history of the site, why we were here, what we were going to do etc. After thanking the committee for all their hard work, HLF for believing in us and granting us the funds, AOC for coming on board to help us achieve our goal, and Heart of England Community Fund, CBA Challenge Funding and Peugeot for sponsoring us, I handed over to Kev to introduce our 2 guests: Margaret Rylatt MBE and Dr. Kevin Leahy from the Portable Antiquities Scheme, both of which happen to be our Vice-presidents.

 Both gave a brief speech which enthused everyone and this was followed by a joint presentation from Kevin (vice-chair) and Paul Mason (AOC). This was then followed by the cutting of the official BAIT launch cake by Thelma Gee, who started all this malarkey back in the 90's.

The cake went down very well, although I did have to take some to work the following day to finish it off!

The rest of the afternoon was a bit of a blur as I tried to get to see as many of the people who turned up as I could. Then before I knew it, it was 4pm. People drifted off, and the hard work of dismantling started, although I have to say it didn't take that long. My lounge looks like a tip at the moment but it was all in a good cause.

Thanks to everyone who turned up. I hope you all had a good afternoon.

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